Some time has passed and your customers, employees, other businesses, and vendors are pressing you on the need to install some sleek flat panel LCD or LED TV's in your business. You immediately think some financial news or business news wouldn't be a bad idea - everyone else is doing it, right? Well, right. We can't resist watching, and if it helps to inform everyone on the lastest world and Wall Street moves, what can go wrong? You make the investment $$, find someone to mount them, hook up cable or a mini dish (maybe a minor issue with your landlord) and you are now looking at CNBC and CNN in high definition. Wow.
Something changes after a while, doesn't it? TV's look great, sound is working well, employees and some of my clients are happy, but it's still a bit unsettling, isn't it? You took 1 big step forward, and 1 big step backward at the same time, and you look funny doing the splits with this move you made.
What happened is that you didn't think about what content is being shown outside of the few minutes of news you were anticipating would elevate the class of your business. The cable channels need to get good ratings, and your TV channels are showing a LOT of content and commercials that have NOTHING to do with the brand experience you are now sabotaging. You didn't realize that even CNN would devote a full 30 minutes to the exploits of naughty Hollywood actors. That full step backwards puts a strain on the brain, doesn't it?
What do you do now? You might of spent a cool $10K on these slick screens, didn't you? Just like your satellite radio you have in your car, you mistakenly equated the 1 hour of cool music would last all day. You watch an hour or two of TV at night, so the same thought prevailed. Outside of maybe an hour or two of financial and news updates in the morning or afternoon, should you shut off the TV during the day? Nice investment.